The Uncover YOU podcast
The Uncover YOU podcast
Ep 168: From protection and hurt to leading from love in relationships
As you heal emotional wounds and shift your reactive patterns at the root, there’s more freedom. While before you’ve been operating from protection and fear and automatically reacting to situations in your relationships - you now have other options.
In this episode, I’m giving you examples of a different way of moving through conflict, friction and differences in relationships and how to get there.
Instead of reacting, collapsing in hurt, blaming the other person, withdrawing, giving the silent treatment or getting the hell out of there - here’s how to lead from love.
Check out these related episodes:
Ep166: Grow your capacity to have the relationship you want
Ep164: A different look at anxious and avoidant attachment
Ep154: Turn your relationship pain into your spiritual journey
Ep163: Activating deeper trust with yourself, your partner, and life itself
You find show notes in this post on my website
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Join me in Alchemy where I teach you the four pillars to heal emotional wounds and shift reactive patterns