The Uncover YOU podcast

Ep 161: "Am I tolerating someone's bad behavior by working on myself?"

Eva Beronius Season 1 Episode 161

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Have you ever-so-nicely asked for what you want in a relationship - just to be met with their wounded reaction and dismissal? Maybe you start to wonder if it’s too much to ask for, and if you shouldn’t need it to begin with. A typical is-it-me-or-them situation.

In this week’s episode, I answer a question from a listener who easily feels abandoned. The relationship she is in easily inflames that wound, and she wonders, “What is valid to be upset about?”

Check out these related episodes:
Ep130: Is it me or them?
Ep159: What about the other person’s half?
Ep157; When to stay and when to go
Ep153: Understanding and practicing honesty

You find show notes in this post on my website

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